12 days of wild trekking along the beaches of Morocco’s Sahara to meditate, train and dance.

To book your experience contact us via WhatsApp al n. 0039 333 9403342 o all’e-mail info@ventomaestrale.com
From 1 to 15 May
For those who want to live an experience of purification thanks to a great activity of Trekking in the sand, good nutrition with genuine products at km 0, meditate, training and dancing with Luca Basto and get your spirit and mind cleaned by the wind and the sea, can participate in the groups we organize in collaboration with our friend Houssine.
Six days of travel and six days of return along the wild coasts that lie at the gates of the Sahara Desert.
As a guide, an expert Saharawi (desert dweller) who owns three beautiful and very educated dromedaries that will carry your bag and everything you need to make a unique and adventurous experience.
As a teacher, Luca Basto, who will make you perform meditation practices, training and dance styles in full contact with the surrounding nature.
We offer a wild experience, free from comforts to discover a lifestyle immersed in spirituality. Learn to listen to your body in the silence of the Desert and the voice of the Ocean.
Living to cleanse one’s mind and strengthen one’s spirit.
Arm yourself with tent and sleeping bag, hang your shoes on the dromedary and start to grind km barefoot, make friends with your fellow travelers, internalize the voice of the Desert, the Ocean and meditate and dance together with Luca Basto. Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with the famous Tajin (the clay pot that cooks everything in steam), always in the company of a nice fire.
Daily Schedule:
From 07:00 to 08:00 meditation with the Tibetan bells.
From 08:00 to 09:00 Dynamic Yoga.
From 09:00 to 11:00 breakfast
From 11:00 to 12:30 training in the beach
From 12:30 to 15:00 lunch
From 15:00 to 17:00 Trekking
From 17:00 to 19:00 Dance “Flow of Movement” with Luca Basto
From 8:00 to 10:00 dinner.
From 22:00 onwards, fire, music and relaxation.
– Recommended: sleeping bag, tent, light and heavy clothing because of the thermal excursions.
– This experience is open only to people who are able to walk at least 10 km on foot.
– This experience involves a great spirit of adaptation because there will be no bathrooms, showers, beds etc. It is 12 days where you live exactly as the nomads of the Sahara desert.
– People who want to withdraw from the experience by their own choice, or because they were sent away from the group due to inappropriate behavior, will not be reimbursed.